Academic Articles 

Mualem, R., Leisman, G., Zbedat, Y., Ganem, S., Mualem, O., Amaria, M., ... & Ornai, A. (2018). The effect of Movement on cognitive Performance. Frontiers in public helth, 6,100. link to the articale

Leisman, G., Mualem, R., & Mughrabi, S. K. (2015). The neurological development of the child with the educational enrichment in mind. Psicología Educativa. 21: 79-96. ELSEVIER.   link to the articale


Leisman, G., Machado, C., Mualem, R. (2013). The integration of the neurosciences, child public health, and education practice: hemisphere-specific remediation strategies as a discipline partnered rehabilitation tool in ADD/ADHD. Frontiers of Public Health: Frontiers of Child Health and Human Development.  1:22. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2013.00022.  link to the articale


Leisman, G., Machado, C., Melillo, R. Mualem, R.(2012).  Intentionality and “Free-Will” From a Neurodevelopmental Perspective. Frontiers of Integrative Neuroscience  6:36. doi: 10.3389/ fnint.2012.00036. Link to the article


Don Knueve ,Mualem Raed, Haitham Alkateeb (2007)  The Lives and Future , of Mar Elias  Campus of the University of Indianapolis Graduates. Journal of McMaster School for  Advancing Humanity Defiance College , USA. Link to the Article


Choshniak, I. and Mualem, R. (1997).  SCFA and electrolytes absorption in colon of three rodents         species. Comparative Biochemical Physiology, 118A(2), 381-384. Link to the article


Mualem,R. and Choshniak, I.(1995). Modulation of Water and Solute Transport Following Food Restriction in the Colons of the Levant Vole (Microtus guenteri) and the Mouse (Mus musculus). Physiological Zoology 68, 524-538.Link to the article


Choshniak,I and Mualem, R. (1995). Sodium and chloride transport in the colon of voles. European Journal of Physiology, 430(4), to the article


Mualem, R. Choshniak, I and Shkolnik, A. (1990). Environmental heat load, bioenergetics and water economy in two breeds of goats: The Mamber goat versus the desert Bedouin goat. In: World Review of Animal production, Vol. XXV, No 3, July-September, pp to the article


Mualem, R, Choshniak, I. , and Shkolnik,A., (1987). Effect of Excessive Environmental Heat Load on the Bioenergetics of the Black Mamber Goat. Israel Journal of Zoology 34, 96-97. Link to the artical


 Muaelm. R (2007) Holiday in Christianity with science application, J.of. AOURIKA a Hebrow journal for educational science 25(12-15), University of Tel Aviv press. Link to the article


 Mualem, R. (2006) The future of the church in Galilee 74th Meeting of R.O.A.C.O ,Vatican, Rome, 23-25 January 2006. Link to the article


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